• On a Newly Published Book and a Forthcoming Paper

    Updated: 2012-11-24 00:46:23
    As noted previously here at Shreds and Patches, a paper of mine is forthcoming in the Journal of American Folklore. Today is one of those days that scholars dread: discovering–too late–the work of another scholar that deals exactly with the matters taken up in a work of their own that is now fixed in print, [...]

  • Building an Anthropology of Bicycling

    Updated: 2012-11-20 08:13:23
    Researching bicycling, like many ethnographic projects, suggests a bodily incorporation of the ethnographer into some local practice. I mean, I could study the social and cultural life of bicycling and not also ride a bike, but that would be like a celiac studying people who sample bread. Actually, that’s kind of accurate, because there is [...]

  • Conference announcement: Encounters and Engagements: Creating New Agendas for Medical Anthropology by Editorial Assistant

    Updated: 2012-11-19 15:45:20
    Encounters and Engagements: Creating New Agendas for Medical Anthropology EASA Medical Anthropology Network / AAA Society for Medical Anthropology / Universitat Rovira i Virgili Joint International Conference, Tarragona, Spain   June 12-15th 2013   Thematic focus Encounters and engagements – it is hard to imagine anthropology of any sort without them, and they are central to the practices and concerns of …

  • Laurence Kirmayer, “Revisioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience, and Global Mental Health” by Eugene Raikhel

    Updated: 2012-11-15 22:43:27
    In late October my department (Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago) hosted a talk by Laurence Kirmayer of McGill University.  I’m pleased to present the full video of the lecture here.  The talk, titled “Revisioning Psychiatry: Cultural Phenomenology, Critical Neuroscience, and Global Mental Health,” is a broad and synthetic overview of Dr. Kirmayer’s thinking on psychiatry and mental …

  • Candace Greene Wins Ames Prize; Summer Institute in Museum Anthropology Recognized

    Updated: 2012-11-14 03:09:07
    I learned great news today. My friend, colleague and collaborator Candace Greene (National Museum of Natural History) has been selected as this year’s recipient of the Michael M. Ames Prize for Innovative Museum Anthropology, awarded by the Council for Museum Anthropology. In a letter sent to Candace and quoted from in an announcement making the [...]

  • Yuchi Indian Histories Before the Removal Era

    Updated: 2012-11-13 03:20:36
    There has been a real posting drought lately here at Shreds and Patches. In part this is due to a hyper abundance of matters worthy of posting about. So much has been going on that there has not been time to write about it all. With this note, I want to announce just one of [...]

  • Mapping post-election racism

    Updated: 2012-11-12 16:10:41
    Some folks argue that we are living in post-racial times.  That the days of racism are over.   After the Civil Rights era, it all just evaporated.  And the election of Barack Obama was somehow more proof of the fact that racism is no longer an issue in the U-S-A.  This “racism is no longer a [...]

  • A defense of the humanities in these budget-cutting times

    Updated: 2012-11-12 15:34:18
    University budgets are getting cut left and right.  There’s a debate about this going on at my university right now.  I hear conversations about the lack of funding, the economic crisis, and the need to cut programs.  I also hear conversations where words like “productivity” and “performance” and “economic viability” are being thrown around a [...]

  • Desk Reject

    Updated: 2012-11-08 10:42:32
    Today I learned the term “desk reject.” I’ve never worked as an editor for an academic journal. It seems like a thankless job, and I have nothing but admiration for those who find the time and energy to do it well. But I have gotten to a stage in my career where I am frequently [...]

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